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What Does XML Stand for In Programming?

XML stands for Extensible Markup Language in programming. It is a markup language used to define rules for encoding documents in a format that is both human-readable and machine-readable.

It's used for:

  • Data storage and transport: To structure, store, and share data across different systems, such as web services.
  • Configuration files: Used in many applications to store settings (e.g., configuration files for software).
  • Data exchange: Serves as a medium for exchanging information between systems, often alongside other technologies like SOAP or REST APIs.
  • Document representation: Used to define custom document formats, like RSS feeds or SVG graphics.

Key feature:

  • Customizable tags: Users can define their own tags to represent data.
  • Hierarchical structure: Data is represented in a tree-like structure.
  • Platform independence: Can be used across various platforms and languages.

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