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What Are Parentheses in Programming

In programming, parentheses () are symbols used to group expressions, clarify operations, or pass parameters to functions and methods.

They have several important uses depending on the context. Here are some key ways parentheses are used in programming:

01. Function Calls

Parentheses are used to call functions and pass arguments to them. When you write the name of a function followed by parentheses, you're telling the program to execute that function.

02. Defining Functions

When defining a function, parentheses are used to declare parameters that the function will accept. If no parameters are needed, empty parentheses are used.

03. Grouping Expressions

Parentheses are often used to ensure that parts of an expression are evaluated first, according to the desired order of operations. This is crucial in mathematical calculations.

04. Conditional Statements

Parentheses are used in conditional statements (like if, while, or for loops) to group the condition being evaluated.

05. Cast or Type Conversion

In some programming languages, parentheses are used for type casting or type conversion.

In Conclusion

Parentheses in programming serve a variety of purposes, including calling functions, grouping expressions, defining function parameters, and controlling the flow of logic. They are essential for organizing code and ensuring it works as intended.

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