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What Does FTP Stand for In Computer Science?

In computer science, FTP stands for File Transfer Protocol.

It is a standard network protocol used to transfer files between a client and a server over a network, such as the Internet. FTP is often used for uploading files to web servers, downloading files from servers, or transferring files between systems.

Key Features ...

  • Client-Server Model: FTP operates using a client-server architecture, where an FTP client connects to an FTP server to upload or download files.
  • Authentication: It supports authentication via a username and password, though anonymous access is also allowed in some cases.

  • Active Mode: The server actively opens a data connection back to the client.
  • Passive Mode: The client initiates both the control and data connections to the server, useful in environments with firewalls.
  • Control Channel: Used for commands and responses (e.g., logging in, navigating directories).
  • Data Channel: Used for transferring the actual files.
  • Unencrypted by Default: Traditional FTP transmits data in plain text, making it vulnerable to interception. To address this, secure alternatives like FTPS (FTP Secure) or SFTP (SSH File Transfer Protocol) are often used.

Common FTP Commands ...

  • GET: Download a file from the server.
  • PUT: Upload a file to the server.
  • LIST: List files and directories on the server.
  • DELETE: Remove a file from the server.
  • CD: Change the directory on the server.

FTP has largely been replaced by more secure protocols, but it remains a fundamental concept in networking and file transfer.

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