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What Is the Difference Between HTML and XML?

HTML (HyperText Markup Language) and XML (Extensible Markup Language) are both markup languages, but they serve different purposes and have distinct characteristics.

Here's a comparison ...

HTML was designed for displaying data and creating web pages with a focus on formatting and presentation.

XML was designed for storing, transporting, and structuring data with a focus on data interchange and customization.

HTML has predefined tags. while users define their own XML custom tags based on the data they want to represent.

HTML is flexible which means it can work even if there are some errors. XML on the other hand is strict and errors can prevent proper parsing.

In Conclusion

HTML is for presentation and user interfaces. XML is for data storage, transport, and representation. XML is stricter and more versatile in defining and structuring data, while HTML is easier to use for creating web content.

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