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What Is a Statement in Programming?

A statement in programming is a complete instruction that the interpreter or compiler can execute. Statements define the actions a program takes, such as assigning values, controlling flow, or invoking functions. They are the building blocks of a program and dictate its behavior.

A statement typically performs an action rather than producing a value. Unlike expressions, statements can stand alone and be executed independently. Many statements include expressions as part of their execution.

Programming languages support various types of statements:

  • Assignment Statements: Assign a value to a variable.
  • Control Flow Statements: Direct the program's flow based on conditions.
  • Conditional Statement: Executes code based on a condition.
  • Looping Statement: Repeats code while a condition is true.
  • Function Call Statements: Execute a function.
  • Return Statements: Exit a function and optionally return a value.
  • Import Statements: Include external modules or libraries.
  • Expression Statements: Evaluate an expression as a standalone action.

Expression: Evaluates to a value. For example, 3 + 4 evaluates to 7.

Statement: Executes an action. For example, x = 3 + 4 assigns the value 7 to x.

Statements are the core instructions that define a program's behavior. They enable programmers to perform actions, control program flow, and interact with data. By understanding the different types of statements, you can effectively structure and execute your programs.

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