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The Best Way to Learn Web Development for Beginners

The first language that you must learn in order to become a Web Developer is HTML. Once you are done you can go to CSS. And to put the icing on the cake learn JavaScript or JS in short.

If you are only interested in building static websites then that would be enough. But if you want to learn how to build dynamic websites then you should learn two more programming languages.

One for the backend and one for database manipulation.

There are a ton of tutorials on the web that teaches the basics of programming. You can start from there.

In order to learn you must apply what you have learned. Don't just watch videos or read articles, you must get your hands dirty.

More mistakes means better understanding, so fail forward.

Once you learn one programming language the rest becomes very easy and you will learn other languages pretty fast.

And don't forget, practice makes pefrect.

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