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What Is an Array in Programming

An array in programming is a data structure that stores a collection of elements, typically of the same data type, in a contiguous block of memory. Arrays allow for efficient storage and manipulation of multiple values using a single variable name. Each element in the array can be accessed by its index, which represents its position in the array.

Once an array is created, its size is fixed and cannot be changed (in most programming languages).

For example, an array with space for 5 integers can hold exactly 5 integers.

Arrays are zero-indexed in most programming languages, meaning the first element is accessed with index 0, the second with index 1, and so on.

There are two types of arrays ...

One-dimensional arrays and multi-dimensional arrays

Common Uses of Arrays

  • Storing lists of related data (e.g., scores in a game, names in a class).
  • Representing data structures like stacks, queues, and matrices.
  • Managing collections in algorithms like sorting and searching.

In Conclusion

In summary, arrays are foundational tools in programming that provide an organized way to manage and process collections of data efficiently.

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