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What Is The Difference Between Frontend, Backend and Full-Stack

The frontend is the part of a website or application that users directly interact with. It is everything that you see and use in a web browser.

The backend is the part of a web application that users don't see. It handles the server, database, and application logic.

A full-stack developer works on both the frontend and backend of a web application. They have knowledge of the entire web development process and can build complete applications.

A frontend developer ...

  • Designs the website with it's content and elements. This is usually called UI or User Interface.
  • Makes sure that the website is viewed properly on all devices.
  • Picks the font, color scheme and layout of the website.

A frontend developer must know the following languages ...

  • HTML: which is the basic blocks for any website.
  • CSS: this language controls how a website is presented on any device.
  • JS: this is a programming language for web browsers that can help with functionalities of a website.

A backend developer ...

  • Manages server side operations.
  • Manages database operations such as Create, Read, Update and Delete.
  • Makes sure that the website is secure.

Example languages would be PHP, Python, Java, and Ruby. Of course there are more languages but these are the most popular ones.

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