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What Are the Differences Between Parentheses, Braces and Square Brackets

Parentheses (), braces {}, and square brackets [] are all used in programming, but they serve different purposes based on the context and the programming language.

01. Parentheses ()

Primary Use: Grouping expressions, calling functions, and defining function parameters.

02. Braces {}

Primary Use: Defining code blocks, such as the body of functions, loops, and conditionals, and for certain data structures like objects in some languages.

03. Square Brackets []

Primary Use: Indexing, defining arrays or lists, and sometimes for slicing or defining ranges.

In Conclusion

Each type of bracket has its specific role in structuring code, with parentheses typically for grouping expressions or calling functions, braces for defining blocks of code or objects, and square brackets for accessing or defining collections like arrays or lists.

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